Today I'm borrowing wisdom from my favorite book, "You Gotta Keep Dancin'" by Tim Hansel. I've had some hurdles to jump lately and need more wisdom if I'm going to jump.
I've come to learn over many years of chronic illness that the journey is full of humps that can be hard. My humps have been "looking for the magic cure," "cautiously living," "seeking symptom suppression," "existing from one doctor appointment to the next." I'm thankful these humps are infrequent but they are still hard to crawl over when they come up. What humps are you crawling over? What do we need to let Jesus carry us over?
A cheerful heart is the best medicine, and I have to bite the bullet and get out of the cycle of fear and cautious panic. It's easy to be living with low-grade discouragement and not realize it. But I've realized it and that I praise God for---because realizing it is the first step toward living in joy for today.
No matter what kind of pain it is- physical, emotional, spiritual- pain can intercept our hopes and plans- it can rearrange our dreams and always leaves a mark. We cannot change the circumstances but we can change our response.
Happiness is a feeling that depends on circumstances- our health can depend on somebody else- but we have a choice--- to have joy--- joy is an attitude that can triumph through our circumstances.
Biting the bullet to live in joy for TODAY! Lord Jesus, carry us in joy. AT