Thursday, December 20, 2007

Source of Power

We are misled if we live thinking we are not powerful, yet I believe we are also misled when we do not recognize the source of our power. Life is a process of discovering the source of our power. These are the thoughts that I begin my day reflecting upon. Where have I looked for power this past week?

It has been one week since I learned that I am developing systemic scleroderma. I was originally informed that it was simply localized to my stomach, but when I learned it is probably much more, I felt all the wind being sucked out of my sails. As the news sets in and I work to finish another semester of papers, I have felt my power restored. In what ways am I powerful? What is the source of this power?

It was my natural human reaction to ask people to pray- I needed help. It seemed as though nothing else would work because I felt so empty. As people prayed for God to come and wrap me in the cocoon of his arms I began to feel restored. I felt empowered to love- to laugh- I felt my eternal purpose extend beyond the dying desires of this world.

God has used his power this week to put people in my path that I have needed. He has given people the words to speak that he knew would encourage me to persevere in the face of trial. He has surrounded me with ways to hear his words . He has allowed me to simply be and not to worry about the future. He has given me power through assuring me of a future with him. There is no greater power for me.

How does this great power change today? Perhaps it means putting a smile on my face- a curve that has a simple and peaceful power to straighten things out. I have the power to love. Today I make the choice to surrender myself to a position that allows me to love my brothers and sisters no matter the situation. For true love surpasses all knowledge and empowers me with joy today.

With Joy to journey today. AT