Today is about living for what captures the passions of our heart. Life is a process of discovering and learning to answer to the passions God has planted in our hearts. What brings that warm feeling of joy to my heart? Most days I ignore this feeling I have inside of me- a feeling that I have so much passion pent up waiting to be let out. I often say- "in the future." In the future I will write that book- in the future I will start that support group- I will travel the world with my sisters taking pictures- in the future. What about today?
There is so much to do, but what am I most passionate about? I have this overwhelming feeling to help those in need- those going through physical trials- helping the family members that live the experience- and raising public awareness. I want the public to open their eyes to see the beauty in sick children, disabled children and adults, and those battling the epidemic of disease that has flooded our world. Their is so much beauty in what the world labels as defective, disabled, or diseased. I can never pass a sick child in a red wagon in the hospital without the depths of my heart being pulled. When I saw the movie "Pursuit of Happyness," I remember wanting to buy a big house and open it up to the poor- it was such a real feeling.
I never want my heart to dry up- I always want my feelings to be real. When I first started working in the Cleft Palate Clinic, I remember having to use all my strength not to cry in front of families- their stories would tug at my heart- I would hold it together and then loose it as soon as I stepped out of the room. And then I would go home and think about those children- the mothers and fathers- all of the brothers and sisters- the grandparents- neighbors- all impacted in one way or another. I would have this great need to do something but had no idea what to do.
This is a journey and I don't know where it's taking me. Today I will hold on to the thought that it will lead to great places- as long as I answer to the passions God has given me today. There are so many callings- the world is full of need- what shall I answer to for today? AT