The past month or more has been a time of endless waiting for me. Not too much about my physical condition worries me but waiting is something that continues to be God's ultimate challenge to me. For the past few months my liver function tests have been abnormal so I have gone through a series of many tests, and currently I am waiting to find out if I need a biopsy. Whether or not those around me can tell or not- it has been a time of great agony.
Waiting is something that has sort of paralyzed me into a state of self-absorption. I have tuned out most of the world around me at times to just wait. I have just come to remember that waiting produces character- regardless of it being good or bad-waiting can change us.
I believe we have a choice as to what our character becomes during times of waiting. We are probably all waiting for something at any given time. During this time of waiting, I can choose to let it be a time of leaning on God through trust and become a stronger person, or I can choose to sit miserably waiting and become so very discontent.
When given a choice- it becomes obvious- trust I choose. I am not sure how to lean on God right now- but I am trusting that as long as I have decided to trust-- God will show me how.
May waiting be a blessing- AT